I’ve been thinking…
… I used to think I wasn’t a creative person …
… but I realized I could be and have since learned to be creative …
… and now I carry a totally new and different perspective along with me. It’s awesome.
I used to say “I’m not creative, I can’t do that”.
The message of the pictures is to respond to this, saying that you can in fact do that and be creative.
Another thing I learned is that the word creative is misused when people say “I’m not creative”. What they mean is, “I’m not artsy”.
There are so many ways to be creative and we’re all creative in so many ways. Any type of organizing or critical thinking is in fact creativity. It took me a long time to learn this and I think I’m still understanding it.
I kept the word creative in the captions of the pictures because I wanted to make one point not two. Too confusing otherwise